The Race of Life and the Deathbed Lull

Over the past year and four months since my Dad was diagnosed with a glioblastoma stage four malignant brain tumor, the diagnosis has had a significant influence on my own health.

It was after we made the decision to start having his treatment managed by the Preston Robert Tisch Brain Tumor Center at Duke University that I learned about the Angels Among Us 5K and its purpose of raising money for brain tumor research. So, at nearly 260 pounds and at 34 years of age, my wife and I decided to start training in order to be able to organize a fundraising team, raise money, and complete the 5K. TEAM JIM “…one foot in front of the other…” ended up raising $2,700 for brain tumor research and, in the time since making the commitment to run that first 5K, I was able to drop over 30 pounds by continuing to run.

The holidays threw a speed bump into my path when I loosened up a bit too much with my discipline (in terms of keeping my exercise routine going and watching my intake) and ended up gaining almost half of what I lost back. On January 1, 2012 I was 241 pounds again. So, I did a U-turn, reset my goals, and started working at it again and, just a week or so ago, got back down to around 234.

Part of why I’ve been able to stick with the fitness routine at all has been the positive vent that it has been for me in the midst of accompanying my Dad on this final journey that he has been on for the last sixteen months. It has helped me to keep my head clear, develop new and meaningful friendships, and improve my own health and confidence in what I can accomplish.

That being said, treatment for my Dad’s brain tumor was stopped nearly two weeks ago and his decline has been a precipitous one requiring a much more significant commitment to being with him at his house to take care of him. The  consequences for me, as they relate to my fitness progress have been largely negative in three main areas: fitting in workouts, sleep, and intake.

My wife and I, in the past year, have pretty much been able to work together to make sure we each get time to go to the Y or to run. Lately, though, even though she’s been carrying a heavier load at home with the kids, she has continued to be gracious in allowing me to get out for a run a few times a week when it could fit into my schedule. That being said, in the last two weeks it has become increasingly complicated. Between her taking on extra responsibilities in running everything at home and my Uncle having come down from NY to help out, me going off to run on my own in the midst of their extra efforts doesn’t always sit easy with my conscience.

Sleep has been more of an issue of late that it has ever before, I think. One thing that I’ve found, though, that, at least sometimes, helps me to get back to sleep when I’m up in the middle of the night, though, is eating. Subsequently, my daily blood sugar levels (which I typically check in the morning when I get up) have gone way up and that can only mean that my weight won’t be far behind. I’m not good at sticking to ideals at 2:30 AM when my stomach is growling and I’m already going to bed exhausted each night.

Now that my Dad’s condition has declined to the point where he is in a hospice bed in the middle of the living room and his most basic needs require assistance, I’ve moved in, just as my Uncle has since arriving from NY last week. I will continue take an opportunity, here or there, if one surface to get out for a run, but, all schedules are out the window for now. 

As of this morning I’ll have to confess that there were a couple of early-early morning snacks. I couldn’t tell you whether or not I’ll get to run today, and the scale, as of yesterday, read 237.4 – up nearly four pounds from where I was able to get back down to just a week or so ago.

Running has been an ally for my in the last sixteen months, but, in the last few days it has seemed to be just another frustration on top of everything else that is falling apart right now. But, I can’t change the circumstances and my Dad, most certainly, is the main priority now. I just need to have faith that running will continue to be the ally that it has been once my Dad has taken his final turn.

If you’d like to support or join TEAM JIM in our efforts to raise funding for research for treatments for brain cancer at the Preston Robert Tisch Brain Tumor Center at Duke University Hospital, please visit our team page at:

Going Down!

From New Year's 2011 to Present: My Fitness Journey

Daily Weight: 235.2

Blood Sugar: 107

My blood sugar has been creeping back up as the week has gone on and I think I have an idea why. The later-evening snacks (what I’m snacking on and how much) need to be adjusted. That being said, I’m pleased that, despite the blood sugar going up, the weight has continued to inch downward. I don’t think The prospect of being back down around 230 for the 3/28/12 Millbridge Elementary School 5K is looking like it might be doable. We’ll see.

In the meantime I need to be careful with my running. While the knee issues from last summer and fall have been silent, my left upper-leg/hip area has been speaking a bit more loudly with each run. My strategy? Start working in some extra stretching of my hamstrings and start making sure that at least one of my 3-4 weekly runs is on a treadmill. Hopefully, once I get a little bit lighter, injuries will not be quite as pressing of an issue as they are now.

I know I haven’t been posting my daily intake of late as originally intended, but, the menu has been fairly consistent. I know, though, that the evening snacking needs to be changed! So, for now, I’ll focus on stricter evening intake and a more conservative and intentional approach to the surface I’m running on and the distance I’m running in the coming weeks. Hopefully a new 5K PR under 31:31 will be waiting me on 3/28.