Going Down!

From New Year's 2011 to Present: My Fitness Journey

Daily Weight: 235.2

Blood Sugar: 107

My blood sugar has been creeping back up as the week has gone on and I think I have an idea why. The later-evening snacks (what I’m snacking on and how much) need to be adjusted. That being said, I’m pleased that, despite the blood sugar going up, the weight has continued to inch downward. I don’t think The prospect of being back down around 230 for the 3/28/12 Millbridge Elementary School 5K is looking like it might be doable. We’ll see.

In the meantime I need to be careful with my running. While the knee issues from last summer and fall have been silent, my left upper-leg/hip area has been speaking a bit more loudly with each run. My strategy? Start working in some extra stretching of my hamstrings and start making sure that at least one of my 3-4 weekly runs is on a treadmill. Hopefully, once I get a little bit lighter, injuries will not be quite as pressing of an issue as they are now.

I know I haven’t been posting my daily intake of late as originally intended, but, the menu has been fairly consistent. I know, though, that the evening snacking needs to be changed! So, for now, I’ll focus on stricter evening intake and a more conservative and intentional approach to the surface I’m running on and the distance I’m running in the coming weeks. Hopefully a new 5K PR under 31:31 will be waiting me on 3/28.


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