Sporadic Reflective Update

The bad news: My plan to keep posting my daily intake forever has fallen out of favor due to the increased hecticity of returning to working life at the same time that the kids return to their school/daycare, dance/soccer lives. Add to that the onset of football season (time-sucking fantasy football and the disappearance of time to do anything but veg and watch football on Sunday afternoons, evenings, and Monday evenings) and the time to detail every bit of my intake just disappears.

The good news: I did it just long enough so that I’ve got a pretty good idea of what and how much to eat and drink each day to be satisfied and continue making progress toward my decreased weight/increased fitness goals…from a food and drink perspective, anyway.

Unfortunately, though, my body continues to whine, ache, and moan in various ways as I continue to try to find new ways to continue my progress without injuring myself. The running has now been restrained, at best, since July and, as a result, is causing me to possibly refigure my long-term running goals past this next 5K that is coming up on 10/1 in Charlotte. Only time will tell.

If there is a silver lining, in the light of my restrained running habits of late, it is that my weight loss has seemingly resumed a slightly quicker rate of progress. As of my last weigh-in I was down to 225.2 which is just .2 pounds short of the 30-pounds-lost mark since 1/1/11. When I do hit the mark I’m going to celebrate with a pint of Ben & Jerry’s! …KIDDING. Can you imagine how that would affect my blood sugar? …speaking of which… My average blood sugar for the month of August dropped back down below 100 and I predict that September’s will be even lower. I’m pretty confident that this is due in large part to the lower-carb, higher vegetable and lean-meat approach to my daily eating that my good friend Gerry at GREATNESS INSIDE OUT turned me on to when I was visiting my hometown of Whitney Point, NY in early August. Over the past couple of weeks my daily blood sugar numbers have most commonly been around 90.

I’m not sure whether or not I will attempt posting my daily intake on here again, but, I will be updating my daily numbers and posting other random-yet-related tidbits of information and inspiration as we move forward.

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