Head Colds & Hound Dogs

Yes, this is my typical running/dying face.

Yes, this is my typical running/dying face.

And the beat goes on! We’ve wrapped up two weeks of the official half marathon training schedule. I started last week out with a four mile “long” run and progressed through the week with some core/strength training at the house and a pair of quicker three-mile runs. I started this week with yesterday’s four mile “long” run and plan to do another pair of three-milers this week, along with the strength/core workouts. Next week, per the training plan, I’ll bump up the “long” run to five miles.

This week’s long run was an improvement over the last one since my problematic left hamstring wasn’t throbbing at the end of the run like it was last week. I ended the run with the same routine as last week, though, using my Stick to massage the back of my left leg as part of my stretching cool-down routine.

The only thing I can even begin to complain about during that run, in fact, is the head cold that I had. It left me pretty drained for the rest of the day after the run and I’ve been just hanging around the house under the weather all day. The head cold, in addition to the dog that chased me on my Friday 3-miler, marks the beginning of my official list of things that ruin a good run. I’ll keep you updated on that from time to time as new inconveniences pop up.

I will say that I’ve been experimenting with the use of compression shorts and socks while running and that I truly think they benefit me. See, at 218 I’m a bit of a chunky runner and my extra carry-on baggage (I’m talking about leg fat! Get your mind out of the gutter!) flops around quite a bit and I think that, after a couple of miles, that excess random movement becomes a real drag in terms of running efficiency.

But, with the compression socks and shorts, everything stays in line and I really seem to feel better toward the end of the run than I think I would without it. I haven’t even tried keeping the stuff on for a while post-run to experience what most of the research out there is suggesting the real benefit of compression wear comes from – post-run recovery. That will come, though. I just ordered my second pair of compression socks and they should be in by next weekend.

Both my weight and blood sugar went down this week. We seem to be headed in the right direction!

On a side note, I would like to mention the fact that part of the reason I’m taking on this half marathon is to benefit the work of The Hands And Feet Project which provides family style care in homes for orphans in Haiti. Please check out their official page and my Beards Hands & Feet Facebook page to find out how you can help (you’ll find out what all that stuff is on my face in the picture above, too!).


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